# Health

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The book 'Death by Comfort' by Paul Taylor discusses how modern life is causing mismatches with our evolutionary history, leading to health problems such as obesity, depression, and addiction. The author explores the importance of physical activity, natural foods, and stress response in our ancestors' lives and suggests ways to incorporate these elements into our modern lifestyle for better health and well-being.

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Learn how to support your mental wellbeing and cultivate core happiness with Dr Rangan Chatterjee's latest book, featuring cutting-edge insights into the science of happiness and 10 simple ways to put you back in control of your health. Whether you are at a crisis point or simply want to experience more joy, this book will help you feel calmer, more confident, and able to live your life to the full.

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Learn how the Wim Hof Method of breath control and cold-training can enhance energy levels, improve circulation, reduce stress, boost the immune system, strengthen the body and combat many diseases. The Way of The Iceman documents how anyone can use Wim’s methods to transform their health and strength, quickly and safely. This book has been praised by US Navy SEALs and New York Times bestselling authors for its authenticity and power.

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